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Saturday, July 11, 2009

So much to be thankful for

Our family has so much to be thankful for...
-Jennifer, Eddie, and the kids are moving back home...HIP HIP HOORAY!
-Hailey's team placed 3rd out of 30 teams in Utah...We are so proud of her!
-Emerson turned 7 weeks on Tuesday, 7/7
-Nate is doing great at potty training...Even though, Ringo ate his poo off the carpet! I know gross!
-Everyone is in good health
And so much more. We are so blessed to have a wonderful life.

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Rebecca, aka Mommy & Aunt Bec said...

You're killing me with Ringo eating the poo. Hailey Girl and I laughed at that! Feed that poor dog already!

The Baker Family said...

You do have so much to be thankful for...You have two amazingly adorable kids:) I read these blogs of women that have these sick babies and It breaks my heart....we are so blessed to have healthy children. Hope all is well over at the Uribes!!